Like you, I do not have all the answers, but I have GRATITUDE for my experiences. Despite the challenges in life, there is an opportunity to reframe our lives and focus them on something more significant than ourselves. This website is a compilation of resources I have found very helpful in my walk. The intention of this site is not to elevate me to a position of authority or leadership in anyone's life. The purpose is to share what has and is shaping me. The goal is to bring peace to the heartaches, perspective to successes, and value from the failures—all of which will inform how I attempt to finish my life well.
Here is a list of areas I have been focused on in the last few years:
Elimination of Hurry in my life
Toxic Relationships
Learning when to say No
Spiritual Abuse
People Pleasing, how to be set free from this trap
Servant Leadership
Leading with a Limp
Taking on too much of others
In my life, the key issue and challenge that underlies most of my struggles comes from childhood abuse, which caused me to have very poor boundaries with others. Ultimately leading to me take on too much in all areas of my life. I have found that I often take on more than I should of others, both personally, at work, and in the church.  My lack of healthy boundaries allowed many toxic people to abuse me further. My inability to say no and lack of effective discernment left me broken and running from one thing to the next. Feeling empty and without hope most of the time, regardless of how much perceived worldly success I had. Only in the last couple of years have I found some peace and understanding.  I have learned that titles such as counselor, pastor, mother, father, brother, friend, in-law, business partner, and elder do not and should not instantly be granted full and unconditional trust. 
Titles are just titles, but who the person is and how they live their life is fundamentally important when extending trust and the ability to speak into and influence your life. Key characteristics to look for if you intend to grant trust are self-awareness, humility, doing what they say they will do, showing the ability to repent, and those who also put effort into the relationship. No one is perfect and has all the right answers; thus, the expectation is not perfection. We are all flawed, very flawed in fact. A person who is committed to doing the work to continually be sanctified and accepting the fact they are a fool is key. The only difference in most people are those who will admit it and those who don't.
"What kind of fool are you?" - Tim Keller
I prayerfully hope that some of the resources I'm sharing here will help you on your journey to be more like Jesus.
Just remember it starts with looking in the mirror and admitting you are flawed. After that, dig into some resources and see where they lead you. It will be a journey full of many twists and turns. But if you are open to learning all God has in store for you there is no better time than now to take the next step in that journey.